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Create an efficient, data-driven LSL replacement strategy

When it comes to lead service line replacements, it’s hard to know where to start (and expensive to make a mistake).

BlueConduit’s LSL Replacements adds easy-to-use prioritization and planning tools, enriched with additional critical datasets, atop your LSL predictions, enabling you to create dynamic, data-driven, compliant replacement strategies based on your unique needs.

Why BlueConduit?

Benefits of BlueConduit’s LSL Replacements solution

Built in Esri

Plan for LSL replacements right in your data source-of-truth & integrated with other relevant datasets

Automated tools

Make prioritization and replacement location grouping a breeze with automated tools that do the hard work for you

Predictions enriched with critical datasets

Easily view LCRI-required presence of children data, environmental justice index, and more alongside your predictions to identify LSL replacement hot spots

Prioritize LSLs for replacement

Generate a prioritized list of LSLs based on multiple factors, weighted to your needs

Group replacements for planning

Aggregate replacements to the street, block, or neighborhood level to identify most critical locations to target for replacements

Track & report on prioritization strategy

Simply explain and track progress on your prioritization strategy

How it Works

Analyzing service line segments for lead identification and replacement

Stay ahead in LSL replacements

Don’t miss out on expert insights, practical tips, and the latest updates on lead service line replacements. Our email series covers everything you need to know, from funding opportunities to best practices for compliance and safety. 

Stay informed, stay compliant, and protect your community’s water supply.

case studies

Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD) Detroit officials estimate the city saved $165 million by using our predictive modeling technology in its search for lead pipes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. The Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI) go into effect in 2027 and require the identification and replacement of all lead and galvanized-requiring-replacement service lines on a 10 year timeline.

LSL Replacements helps you create a replacement prioritization strategy, which is a critical component of a LCRI-compliant replacement plan. We’re continuing to add additional functionality to our products to support all aspects of LCRI-compliant replacement plans; stay tuned for product updates in 2025. You can learn more about the LCRI requirements for replacement plans here (link).

Yes. As required by the LCRI, LSL Replacements incorporates presence of children, environmental justice index, and other relevant datasets into the replacement prioritization process.

LSL Replacements uses your known service line materials, as well as lead likelihood predictions from LSL Predictions, as the starting point for replacement prioritization. When you complete service line replacements and update your data, the new data dynamically updates your remaining lead likelihood predictions, which then automatically adjusts your prioritized replacement lists. And don’t worry – we make sure it is easy to see changes and track to your original plan.

BlueConduit has been focused on LSL replacement from the start; our initial work in Flint (link) was focused on generating and using lead likelihood predictions in order to create a prioritized, efficient LSL replacement plan. We are excited to add more robust replacement tools and products to our portfolio. Still not convinced? Hear about our solutions directly from our partners (link).

LSL Replacements is typically purchased as an add-on to LSL Predictions, as it relies on known or predicted service line materials in the replacement prioritization process. However, if you are a water system with all service line materials classified in your LCRR-compliant inventory (in other words, no outstanding unknowns), you can purchase and use LSL Replacements as a standalone product.

Ready to get the lead out?

Connect with BlueConduit today to set up a personalized consultation.

Replace LSLs efficiently and accurately

Lead service line replacements are difficult to prioritize and plan, and more expensive if you keep digging in the wrong places.

BlueConduit’s LSL Predictions solution accurately identifies your SLs most likely to be lead, enabling data-driven replacement planning, accurate digs, and customer trust in your process.

Why BlueConduit?

Benefits of replacement planning using BlueConduit’s predictive technology

Minimize unknowns

Compliantly classify unknowns based on state compliance requirements and threshold guidance from expert Data Scientists.

LCRI policy expertise

Lean on BlueConduit experts to understand LCRI rules and ensure compliant replacement planning and implementation.

Accurate predictions

BlueConduit customers report a >90% ground truth accuracy rate for lead likelihood predictions.

Simplified customer communications

Easily and transparently communicate decision making criteria to build public trust.

Easy to use Esri integration

Engage with predictive data and BlueConduit technology tools in your existing Esri environment.

How it Works

Tackle data-driven replacement planning with ease

Stay ahead in LSL replacements

Don’t miss out on expert insights, practical tips, and the latest updates on lead service line replacements. Our email series covers everything you need to know, from funding opportunities to best practices for compliance and safety. 

Stay informed, stay compliant, and protect your community’s water supply.


“Detroit Water and Sewerage Department has had a wonderful experience with BlueConduit. We would recommend that other utilities have a conversation with BlueConduit and see how BlueConduit can help not only inventory but also efficient process of replacing lead service lines of getting the lead out in their communities.”

Bryan Peckinpaugh

Public Affairs Director for the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department

Ready for the experts to support your replacement planning and prioritization?

Reach out to BlueConduit and start the conversation today.


Easily export prioritized, selected list to:

  • CSV
  • Integrations and APIs with asset management tools [coming 2025]
  • Integrations and APIs with BI tools [coming 2025]