🎉 NEW - Best Practices for LSL Replacement | Learn More

Estimate your utility’s Lead Service Line count & replacement cost

How can our nation’s utilities plan to replace lead service lines without knowing how many they have?

Improve your SRF application with a better range for your service line inventory and replacement costs.

Scope and cost estimate for planning and funding purposes​

We don’t have the information we need as a nation, as states, as regions, and as municipalities to make decisions about budgets and efforts to remove lead service lines from our drinking water system.

BlueConduit would like to help by with water system-level predictions so that informed decisions can be made. 

We will provide utilities who fill out this form a high-level (system-level) estimate to plan for funding requests such as to a State Revolving Fund (SRF). 

The approach builds on published academic research by BlueConduit which was the first ever application of data science to predicting the materials of water service lines.

At this time, our estimates are only available to utilities and staff.

Get your LSL replacement scope and cost estimate