Attend Illinois’ WATERCON 22 to Connect with BlueConduit

Sheela Lal, BlueConduit’s State Lead Service Line (LSL) Program Coordinator and Water Equity Officer, is attending WATERCON 2022 in Springfield, IL on March 21-24, 2002. Find Sheela at the BlueConduit table outside the Monday evening event. She will happily engage with you to discuss best practices for data science in lead service line inventory and […]

Join BlueConduit at AWWA NJ Annual Conference

BlueConduit is attending the AWWA New Jersey Annual Conference in Atlantic City on March 15-17, 2022. Wednesday’s program (March 16) includes two afternoon sessions on LSL Replacement and Thursday’s program (March 17) features three afternoon sessions on Lead and Copper Rule Revision compliance. These sessions will provide recommendations for how cities can plan and implement […]

Toledo Announces City-wide Lead Service Line Replacement Plan

March 8, 2022 – Toledo, Ohio Toledo Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz, Director of Public Utilities Ed Moore, City Council member Nick Komives, and members of the City Water announced their plan to use $10 million in American Recovery Plan Act COVID-19 relief funding to replace all lead service lines in the city. The leadership of the […]