Compliance Series: Why Is Unknown Management Critical Before The October 2024 LCRR compliance Deadline?

Unknown management isn’t a compliance requirement for October 2024 but, for the purposes of LCRR/LCRI compliance, service lines of unknown material are treated as presumed lead. Water systems that delay active identification of unknowns in their LSLI risk increased compliance requirements in the coming years leading to increased time, cost, and community pressure around lead identification and remediation.

Florida DEP Approves Predictive Modeling for LSLI

Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) recently released updated Lead Service Line Inventory (LSLI) Guidance that outlines the approved methods for service line material identification in the LSLI. What does this mean for Florida-based water systems?

Compliance Series: What does LCR/LCRI Compliance mean, exactly?

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently proposed changes to the Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) with the Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI). Long term, LCRI compliance means that every service line made of lead or galvanized-requiring-replacement materials will be replaced. How do we get there?

State Guidance and Predictive Modeling

The EPA included predictive modeling in its Guidance for Developing and Maintaining a Service Inventory, then deferred to state regulators to decide how they want their water systems to engage with the technology.  Does your state accept predictive modeling for service line material inventories? Check the state guidance and predictive modeling map. We have also included the […]

Federal Funding Sources

Capitol Hill photo

In recent weeks, the Federal Government has identified various funding opportunities for water infrastructure projects with an emphasis on lead abatement. BlueConduit can support your effort to access federal funding for lead service line inventory and replacement. The following federal programs are in various stages of review and approval. Updates on their status are available […]