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Principles of Data Science for Lead Service Line Inventories and Replacement Programs

Small and rural water systems face unique challenges as they work to become Lead and Copper Rule Revision compliant. There’s a lot of uncertainty—in the guidelines and in the service line records.

Here’s what you need to do to prepare your lead service line (LSL) Inventory and LSL Replacement (LSLR) Plan and how BlueConduit can help.

How to Develop an Accurate Lead Service Line Inventory and Replacement Plan

Step 1 – Compile the Data you Have

​Service line material records can be out of date, inaccurate, or missing. 

Step 2 – Conduct Targeted Inspections 

Plan to inspect service line materials at a representative sample within your service area. This provides information for planning and future data gathering.

Track service line records and materials during verification.

Step 3 – Develop Your Inventory

Data science and statistical prediction are an accurate and economical way to predict service line materials from incomplete data. BlueConduit’s predictions are over 80% accurate, far greater than other methods.

Step 4 – Create Your LSL Replacement Plan

Public Water Systems must create a prioritization strategy for LSL replacement based on:

  • Targeting of known LSLs
  • Disadvantaged consumers
  • Vulnerable populations most sensitive to the effects of Lead

Take these into account, along with what you know and don’t know (yet!) to create your LSL Replacement plan. 

Step 5 – Incorporate New Information

Refine your LSLR Plan based on the information collected during fieldwork and replacements. 

How We Can Help

Get in touch to learn how we can help you develop your inventory and plan accurately and affordably.  

We have helped cities, water systems, and engineering firms complete inventories and dig where the lead is to replace lead lines. We can help you too.

About BlueConduit

BlueConduit originated the approach of using machine learning to predict lead service line materials and have been doing it longer than anyone else.

Our team has been helping local officials and their engineering partners identify and remove lead service lines since 2016.

We’ve now created our software platform to streamline this process for our utility and engineering partners.