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Predict tomorrow's water mains challenges today

When water mains break and leak, it’s not just the local water supply that’s disrupted. Communities face issues like flooding, road and private property damage, boil water notices, flow capacity system pressure issues, and more.

It’s much more expensive to perform emergency water main replacements than it is to proactively assess leak and break risk for Condition Assessments and maintenance.

Probability of Failure

A better option for water mains management

Unlock the power of predictive modeling with BlueConduit’s probability of failure (PoF) solution for water mains.

We utilize sophisticated algorithms and predictive models to assess the health and condition of water mains with unparalleled precision. By analyzing a comprehensive range of factors in your data and external data sets, including weather, soil type, and parcel data, we provide you with actionable insights into the likelihood of leaks and failure in your water mains network.

Why BlueConduit?

Benefits of BlueConduit’s Water Mains PoF solutions

Save time, money, & hassle

By identifying highest-risk areas and prioritizing maintenance activities based on predictive modeling insights, you can allocate resources more efficiently, minimizing unnecessary expenditures while focusing resources where they are most needed.

Smarter condition assessments

BlueConduit’s rigorous, enriched data modeling process gives you better data for decision making. Fewer water main breaks means fewer outages and disruptions for customers.

Efficient planning & communication

With predications delivered simply in Esri, alongside easy-to-use metrics and dashboards, cross-departmental communication and planning is simple and streamlined.

How it Works

Identify likely points of failure in your water main network


"We built BlueConduit to support the modernization of water systems around the country. It is really hitting home this week: A 140 year old water main in my neighborhood broke last week, and I haven't been able to drink the municipal water in more than 5 days. This reinforces the need for BlueConduit's new Water Main Predictions solution, which improves a water system's understanding of their drinking water network using predictive modeling and machine learning. It is designed to help water systems make assessment and maintenance decisions that can prevent catastrophic failures."

Jake Abernethy

BlueConduit co-founder


“We’re entirely ratepayer driven, so we’re working with a fixed budget. We needed a tool that lets us continually monitor the system and gives us a better way of assessing and planning to address risk. We’re excited to partner with BlueConduit on this critical work.”

Russell Lomax

MAWSS Water & Sewer Operations Manager

Ready to get started?

Partner with BlueConduit and amplify your water mains maintenance strategy with confidence.