Get started preparing your Lead Service Line Inventory

Water systems have until October 2024 to comply with the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR).

LCRR requirements include preparing and submitting their:

  • Lead Service Line (LSL) Inventory
  • LSL Replacement Plan
  • Public Communications Plan
  • Water Sample/Testing Plan

All requirements hinge on an up-to-date inventory. The challenge is that many water systems do not know where the lead lines are nor how many they have.

Here’s how to get started.

Public resources (how-to guides)

How to Prepare Your Inventory without Knowing Everything Yet

BlueConduit’s Recommendations on Predictive Modeling from the Environmental Policy Innovation Center’s Lead Free Water Challenge

Estimate your Utility’s Lead Service Line Count & Replacement Cost

Improve your SRF application with a better range for your service line inventory and replacement cost estimate.


How to Identify and Address Bias in your Lead Service Line Inventories

An accurate service line inventory is the first step.


Learn to identify and avoid common sources of bias in LSL inventory prep.


Check your inventory file

Water utilities must submit their service line material inventory to their state primacy agency by the US EPA compliance deadline of October 16, 2024. 

Our tool steps you through how to map your current fields to those in the EPA’s guidance for developing and maintaining a service line materials inventory. Here are the instructions.

Use it then download your validated dataset, now aligned with the EPA Lead Service Line Inventory Template.