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ECOS STEP Meeting features Lead Service Line Replacement – July 2022

Dunrie Greiling

The Environmental Council of the States will hold their annual State Environmental Protection (STEP) Meeting July 28, 2022 in Arlington, Virginia. This year’s conference theme is Putting Environmental Infrastructure to Work.

Each summer, the State Environmental Protection (STEP) Meeting takes a deep dive into a priority issue for the ECOS membership. In light of historic new investments under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), this year’s program is dedicated to showcasing ways state environmental agency leaders and our federal, industry, and NGO partners can best leverage the influx of environmental infrastructure funding. The gathering will spotlight innovative investment options while helping states navigate new infrastructure opportunities in water, air monitoring, power, transportation, land revitalization, and resiliency.

BlueConduit’s co-Founder and co-CEO Eric Schwartz will speak in the plenary roundtable on lead service line replacement from 10:50-11:40. From the meeting agenda:

Plenary Roundtable: Groundbreaking Approaches on Lead Service Line Replacement

An ambitious Biden Administration blueprint aims to replace all lead pipes in the next decade, and the BIL provides some $15B through the Drinking Water State Revolving Funds for this purpose. In this session, panelists will discuss how states are working with federal agencies, communities, and companies to develop inventories of lead service lines and then bring these pipes “to justice” without delay.

ECOS Infrastructure Workgroup Region 5 Representative Laurie Stevenson, Director, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (moderator)

ECOS Executive Committee Region 5 Representative Liesl Eichler Clark, Director, Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, & Energy

Karen Dettmer, Managing Director for Infrastructure Implementation, U.S. EPA Office of Water

Eric Schwartz, Co-Founder & Co-CEO, Blue Conduit

Meeting moderators include:

Portrait of Mitch Landrieu, Ben Grumbles, Myra Reece, and Chuck Carr-Brown
Moderators at the 2022 ECOS STEP Meeting in Arlington, VA

We are proud to sponsor and speak at this event.

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