Texas, the Lone Star State, is known for its booming economy, diverse landscapes, and rapidly growing population. But beneath the surface of this success story lies a critical challenge: the state of its water infrastructure. As highlighted in recent reports, Texas’ water systems are aging, strained, and in need of significant investment. Without proactive management and innovative solutions, the state’s economic growth and quality of life could be at risk.
The Texas water challenge
Texas’ rapid population growth and expanding industries place immense pressure on its water resources. A sobering report by Texas 2036 projects that the state must invest $154 billion in new water supplies and repairs to deteriorating water systems over the next 50 years to meet these growing demands. Failure to act could result in dire economic consequences, including the potential loss of 1 million jobs and a staggering annual income loss of $153 billion by 2070.
Adding to the challenge is the aging infrastructure. Many of Texas’ water systems were built decades ago and are now reaching the end of their service life and/or starting to deteriorate. This leads to issues like water line breaks and an increase in boil water notices. Texas 2036 estimates that water systems are currently losing $2 billion in revenue annually due to leakage alone. And the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality reports an average of 2,883 boil water notices issued each year since 2019. These notices disrupt daily life, impact businesses, and can deter companies from relocating to the state.
According to the 2025 Texas Infrastructure Report Card, the scale of investment needed to address Texas’ water infrastructure challenges is significant. Estimates suggest billions of dollars are needed to repair and upgrade aging systems, expand water supplies, and ensure long-term sustainability.
BlueConduit: A solution for proactive water management
Given the scale and urgency of Texas’ water infrastructure challenges, proactive management is essential. BlueConduit offers solutions that can help water utilities and municipalities effectively manage their assets, prioritize repairs, and optimize investments.
Here’s how BlueConduit can make a difference in Texas:
- Asset Management: BlueConduit’s platform provides a comprehensive, dynamic overview of water main infrastructure, including their condition, age, location, and more. This system-level view enables utilities to take a birds eye view of their infrastructure and sets the stage for more informed decisions about maintenance and replacements.
- Prioritization: BlueConduit’s world class likelihood of failure (LoF) predictions help utilities prioritize projects based on risk and criticality. By identifying the most vulnerable assets, utilities can focus their resources on the areas that need the most attention, reducing the risk of failures and disruptions at minimal cost.
- Data-Driven Insights: BlueConduit’s analytics tools provide valuable insights into water system performance and unique features that drive risk in the system. These insights enable utilities to quickly and efficiently identify potential problems early and take corrective action before they escalate.
Investing in Texas’ water future
Texas’ water infrastructure is at a critical juncture. The state’s continued economic growth and the well-being of its residents depend on having access to safe, reliable water. By investing in proactive management and innovative solutions like BlueConduit, Texas can address its water challenges, safeguard its future, and ensure a sustainable water supply for generations to come.
Are you a Texas water system or engineering firm concerned about the state of your water infrastructure? Contact BlueConduit today to learn how we can help you proactively and efficiently manage your water assets to build a more resilient water system.