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Let’s Talk Water Quality Tech – in Cinci

The 2022 Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC) is here! AWWA’s WQTC will be at the Duke Energy Convention Center in Cincinnati, Ohio November 13-17, 2022.

BlueConduit’s Ian Robinson, along with co-authors Kristin Epstein, Dan Duffy, Karen Casteloes, Sandra Kutzing, will present on November 16.

01:30 PM EDT | Location: Room 230-231 | Best Practices for Lead Service Line Replacement Plans

The USEPA Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) require water systems to submit a lead service line inventory and a lead service line replacement (LSLR) plan by October 16, 2024. While service line inventories have received much of the attention around LCRR compliance, the LSLR plan is due at the same time and has many detailed components that water systems must include. This session will focus on the required aspects of the LSLR plan and draw upon the experience of utilities across the country to highlight best practices in developing and implementing replacement plans. This session will provide an overview of each component of the LSLR plans and showcase resources and case studies that utilities can draw upon when drafting their plans.

Take a look at the technical program.

Register to attend here!

If you won’t be able to attend, take a look at BlueConduit’s LSLI & LSLR platform or get in touch to get your questions answered.

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