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American City & County: Lead-Free Challenge

Five municipalities across the US have been selected by the Environmental Policy Innovation Center (EPIC) for a lead pipe replacement program. These cities will receive assistance spanning technical resources, introductions to funders and guidance as part of EPIC’s Lead-Free Water Challenge.

According to American City & County:

Approximately 11,000 communities across the country have lead service lines, and face steep challenges to know how to get started, where their pipes are, how to secure funding and how to initiate a replacement program that is equitable for all residents. Municipalities from seven states applied for the Lead-Free Water Challenge. 

American City & County (full story)

The lead-free water challenge municipalities are:

  • Newbergh, NY
  • Highland Park, MI
  • Chelsea, MA
  • Hazel Crest, IL
  • Fairmont, MN

EPIC’s partners in this challenge include BlueConduit, WaterPIO, and the Center for Geospatial Solutions at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.

BlueConduit is providing its data science, lead service line inventory, and mapping support.

Read the story on American City & County.

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