BlueConduit Launches Free LCRR Compliance Data Validation Tool

Ready to check if your inventory data matches the EPA template? We have launched an online data validation tool that allows you to upload your data, map fields and values, and see potential errors and warnings. This tool is free of charge. Use it to ensure your data is LCRR compliant via a few simple […]

How to Identify and Address Bias in your LSL Inventories

Every community wants to find and remove every lead water service line in their water system. The necessary first step is creating an accurate lead service line inventory (LSLI), so that you know where to dig, and can properly prioritize where to start. But creating that inventory is extremely tricky. Most utilities and municipalities have […]

Five Reasons to Start Building Your LSL Inventory NOW

Multiple factors are pushing water utilities to be more transparent about pipe materials in their distribution system. These factors include new regulations and increased public awareness about the risk of lead in drinking water. Municipalities and utilities know they have an Environmental Protection Agency compliance deadline (pursuant to current Lead and Copper Rule Revisions) to […]

Service Line Inventory Prep Webinar On Demand

A Smart Service Line Inventory Powers LCR Compliance On August 4, 2022 the US EPA provided its Guidance for Developing and Maintaining a Service Line Inventory, including recommendations on machine learning (get the full story here).  The work of developing and maintaining a service line inventory is essential for asset management, lead service line replacement, […]

EPA Service Line Inventory Guidance includes Machine Learning Recommendations

On August 4, 2022, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released its Service Line Inventory Guidance. On the EPA’s LCRR page, you can find its Guidance for Developing and Maintaining a Service Line Inventory (PDF) and an Inventory Template (XLS). BlueConduit is proud to have our work cited in several sections of the Guidance, including […]

Michigan CDSMI

Michigan Capital

Michigan’s Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy, Drinking Water, and Environmental Health Division (EGLE) released its Complete Distribution System Materials Inventory (CDSMI) Overview and Minimum Service Line Material Verification Requirements. As part of its guidance, EGLE says “Water supplies are not expected to physically verify every service line, but rather a statistically sound subset. […]

Federal Lead and Copper Rule Revisions

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced its first major revision to the Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) on December 16, 2021. The new LCR prioritizes protecting children from the dangers of lead exposure and introduces changes designed to expedite the removal of lead from drinking water in the most at-risk communities across the country. Service […]