Lead-Free Water Challenge: Articles and Webinar

As part of the Lead-Free Water Challenge, BlueConduit has been working with the Environmental Policy Innovation Center (EPIC) and other partners to help communities around the nation remove lead pipes. At the one-year mark in this initiative, EPIC is hosting a webinar and has published several articles about the effort.

Lead-Free Water Challenge Webinar

EPIC is hosting a virtual roundtable on lead service line replacement on October 6, 2022 from 1:00-2:30 pm EST to mark one year since we launched the Lead-Free Water Challenge with partners and public utilities. The roundtable will highlight lessons learned from a panel of partners on financing, data management, inventories, and communications. The panelists will share insights from their work and participate in a discussion on ways to address lead service line replacement faster, efficiently, and equitably. Please register here to attend.


In our guest post in the series, we discuss how to prepare a lead service line inventory with incomplete information (hint: statistical prediction!). Learn more about BlueConduit’s LSLR Platform and the success of our customers.

Dunrie Greiling

About Dunrie Greiling

Dunrie Greiling is BlueConduit’s VP of Marketing. She combines her training in science (biology Ph.D., University of Michigan) with her two decades of experience in tech startups. Prior to joining BlueConduit, she worked in science-based software and device companies in many roles, as an employee, as a consultant, and as an advisor and entrepreneur-in-residence.