Myths We’ve Heard About Lead Service Line Inventory, Replacement, And Funding

In case you missed it, read the thought-provoking article featured on WaterOnline about the misconceptions of Lead Service Line Inventory, Replacement and Funding. The article breaks down the facts and myths surrounding lead service line inventory (LSLI) and lead service line replacement (LSLR) that still circulate around the water industry today.   In the article, you’ll also […]

How Artificial Intelligence Improves Efforts to Find and Replace Lead Service Lines

Given that lead is such a potent neurotoxin, getting the largest number of lead drinking water service lines replaced as quickly as possible is an obvious top priority. But it may not be immediately apparent why you’d want to use artificial intelligence and machine learning as part of these efforts. After all, we’re not looking […]

Are We Machine Learners?

Last week I was giving a presentation on creating lead service line inventories using predictive modeling. A member from the audience approached me before the presentation and asked me, “I’m trying to decide what session I should attend next. Can you tell me in simple terms what is machine learning?” I said sure. Many people […]

Video: BlueConduit on ASDWA Tech for LSL Inventories and Mapping Webinar

On November 10, 2022, the Association of State Drinking Water Administrators (ASDWA) held the first in a series of webinars on LSL Implementation Tools and Best Practices (series info). BlueConduit’s co-Founder Eric Schwartz shared what we have learned in our work. Here’s the video, cued up to Eric’s section where he gave an overview of […]

Video: AI vs. Lead on Waterloop Podcast

Recently our co-CEO and co-founder, Eric Schwartz, gave an extensive interview with Travis Loop on the Waterloop Podcast. Travis and Eric discussed the relationship between A.I., machine learning, predictive modeling and lead pipes. In case you missed it, here is a breakdown of that conversation between Travis and Eric. The interview started off with Eric […]

Let’s Talk Water Quality Tech – in Cinci

The 2022 Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC) is here! AWWA’s WQTC will be at the Duke Energy Convention Center in Cincinnati, Ohio November 13-17, 2022. BlueConduit’s Ian Robinson, along with co-authors Kristin Epstein, Dan Duffy, Karen Casteloes, Sandra Kutzing, will present on November 16. 01:30 PM EDT | Location: Room 230-231 | Best Practices for Lead Service […]

Interview with Metise Moore Sr from WEFTEC

lead line replacement in the field

Thank you to Dr. Cat Shrier from Water Citizen for her interview of BlueConduit’s Chief Commercial Officer Metise Moore Sr. at WEFTEC22 in New Orleans. Metise and Dr. Cat discussed several topics, from BlueConduit’s platform, to how to recruit talent, to how to increase opportunities for entrepreneurship and innovation from marginalized communities. Here is the […]

In the News: BlueConduit in Smart Water Magazine

The fourteenth issue of Smart Water Magazine includes a profile of BlueConduit and our President and COO Ian Robinson. The magazine, released in September 2022, includes several articles on the theme of “Harnessing digital technology to manage increasing climate variability.” “Public trust is essential to the work of water utilities; it is very important for […]

Webinar: Water Data Forum on Smart Water Equity

On Wednesday, November 9 from 9:15-10:15 AM ET, the Cleveland Water Alliance will hold its November Water Data Forum Webinar. BlueConduit’s Ian Robinson is on the panel. You can register now to attend free of charge. The event, “Smart Water Equity: Data-Enabled Affordability and Justice” is presented by the Cleveland Water Alliance, Midwest Big Data […]

Video: Buffalo Lead Service Line Removal Event Recording

On July 20, 2022, community groups, Buffalo Water, and environmental organizations, and BlueConduit announced a project to map and remove lead service lines in Buffalo, New York. BlueConduit is proud to power the data science and platform for the effort. Watch the full recording. Project participants and speakers at the event: Stephanie Simeon from Heart […]

ASWDA Best Practices for LSLI and LSLR Webinar Series

The Association of State Drinking Water Administrators, ASDWA, is hosting a series of educational webinars regarding technologies for Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) compliance starting November 10th. BlueConduit will be a panelist in the first session on Tech for LSLI and Mapping. Bring your questions! ASDWA Webinar Dates and Topics ASDWA is offering six monthly events […]

Precision vs. Recall for Predicting Service Line Materials

Now that the EPA has included statistical prediction as a service line investigation method, it’s worth considering what makes a “good” prediction. Like so many things, there are trade-offs and choices to be made. One choice is the prioritization of precision and recall. It may sound pedantic, but it matters for real-world outcomes. Measuring the […]

LSLs at Iowa AWWA 2022 Annual conference

Catch BlueConduit at the 2022 Iowa AWWA annual Conference! Hear from our very own Scott Rebman and discover how using machine learning can help utilities inventory and replace their lead service lines. The Iowa section of AWWA will hold it’s conference October 25-27, 2022 in Coralville. Scott will speak on Wednesday, October 26 from 3:55 […]

BlueConduit at ASDWA 2022 Conference

Going to Scottsdale for the ASDWA 2022 Conference? So are we! See you there. BlueConduit will exhibit at the 37th American Society of Drinking Water Administrators annual conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. The event is October 17-19. You may attend in-person or virtually. The session on lead, is available for virtual attendees on Monday, October 17 […]

Lead-Free Water Challenge: Articles and Webinar

As part of the Lead-Free Water Challenge, BlueConduit has been working with the Environmental Policy Innovation Center (EPIC) and other partners to help communities around the nation remove lead pipes. At the one-year mark in this initiative, EPIC is hosting a webinar and has published several articles about the effort. Lead-Free Water Challenge Webinar EPIC […]

WEFTEC 2022 + CrocTank in New Orleans

BlueConduit is headed to New Orleans! Join us at WEFTEC 2022. It will be held in New Orleans, LA from October 8-12, 2022 at the Morial Convention Center. Come hear us in the CrocTank in the Innovation Showcase & Theater on Monday October 10, 3-4PM CT. Then, spend more time with BlueConduit’s Metise Moore, Ashley Richardson […]

In the News: Jared Webb profile on Working AI profiled BlueConduit’s Chief Data Scientist, Jared Webb. The question and answer article “Working AI: How a Former Academic Helped Launch a Company that Makes Cities Healthier” (full article) explored BlueConduit’s history and what Jared looks for in data science candidates. From the intro: Jared Webb is the head of data science at BlueConduit, a […]

See you at NEWWA 2022 in Newport

BlueConduit is headed to Rhode Island!  The New England Water Works Association Annual Conference will be held in Newport, RI from September 18-21, 2022 at the Newport Marriott Hotel. Come and here from our Director of Municipal Sales, Kristy McGrath. From the conference schedule:  Session B – Asset Management & Data Integration | 1:20 PM […]

Meet The Team: Kari Paine

Kara is BlueConduit’s Senior Product Designer. Here’s a quick Q&A with Kari. Why did you join BlueConduit? I love collaborating with all the smart minds at BlueConduit! Great people and great work. It’s a joy to work on creative designs that help solve hard problems.  What professional experience and expertise do you bring to BlueConduit? […]

Join us at NAWC Water Summit 2022!

Will we see you at the National Association of Water Companies (NAWC) – Water Summit in Miami? Join BlueConduit to hear from and network with some key water industry leadership in the US. This two-day event will allow you to hear from industry executives and policy experts on issues regarding the industry.  The NAWC – […]

Machine Learning and LSL Talks in Portland, Oregon

Come and learn about financing the future of water with BlueConduit!  Financing Solutions for Water Infrastructure On September 14-16, 2022, BlueConduit will be headed to Portland, Oregon! Join us in attending the WIFIA/SRF Workshop to discuss ways the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA), and the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds […]

LSLR In the News: Cities left behind

August 26, 2022 – Associated Press Reporter Michael Phillis spoke with Radhika Fox of the US EPA Department of Water, Eric Oswalt of Michigan’s Drinking Water Division, Erik Olson of NRDC, and Eric Schwartz of BlueConduit among others. The article, which focused on Michigan, Wisconsin, New Jersey, Iowa, covered the different commitments and progress of […]

Meet the Team: Sydney Trieu

Sydney is BlueConduit’s data scientist. Here’s a quick Q&A with Sydney. Why did you join BlueConduit? I joined BlueConduit because working for a company with strong values and a social mission was my number one priority in my post-grad job hunt. It’s often said that we live in an era of data deluge, but that […]

Let’s Talk Lead Pipes at MI-ACE 2022!

Headed to Traverse City for the Michigan ACE Conference? Join us as we sponsor and speak at the American Water Works Association MI-ACE 2022! The conference will take place on September 13-16 at the Grand Traverse Resort.  Three talks on LSLI and LSLR Wednesday 9/14 Make sure to attend these talks on lead service line […]

Get the Lead Out at WIC 2022!

Join BlueConduit as we attend the AWWA Water Infrastructure Conference in Portland, Oregon! We look forward to seeing you there! Service Lines Inventory and Replacement Plans This conference—including three days of exhibits—will address essential water infrastructure planning, water loss, and reinvestment strategies. Speaking on behalf of BlueConduit is our very own Ian Robinson. The conference […]

Meet the Team: Ian Robinson

Ian is BlueConduit’s President and Chief Operating Officer. Here’s a quick Q&A with Ian. Why did you join BlueConduit? I believe in the power of business to drive positive change for society. I chose educational and career opportunities, including my decision to join BlueConduit, based on that thesis.  After obtaining my dual MBA and MS […]

Data Science and LSL Talks in Ocean City and Topeka

The BlueConduit team will speak on data science and lead service line (LSL) inventory and replacement at two upcoming conferences at the end of August. Hope to see you there! Data Inequities, AI, and Environmental Justice at Chesapeake Tri-Association Conference Hear from BlueConduit’s Raanan Gurewitsch at the Tri-Association AWWA conference. The Tri-Association conference covers Maryland, […]

See you at PWX 2022 in Charlotte

Headed to PWX 2022 in Charlotte, North Carolina? See you there! Find BlueConduit at PWX 2022 in Charlotte The American Public Works Association’s Annual PWX Meeting will be held at the Charlotte Convention Center August 28–31, 2022. Sunday, August 28 – New Product Showcase & Theater 2-2:20pm | Get the Lead out of the Ground […]

EPA Service Line Inventory Guidance includes Machine Learning Recommendations

On August 4, 2022, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released its Service Line Inventory Guidance. On the EPA’s LCRR page, you can find its Guidance for Developing and Maintaining a Service Line Inventory (PDF) and an Inventory Template (XLS). BlueConduit is proud to have our work cited in several sections of the Guidance, including […]